вторник, 12 февраля 2019 г.

Song: «We Gotta Pray» (sung by Alicia Keys)

Song: «We Gotta Pray» (sung by Alicia Keys)
Aim: the learners will be able to discuss if kindness is the ordinary or extraordinary thing today.
Techniques: matching, ordering, choosing.


Song: «Unstoppable» (sung by Sia)

Song: «Unstoppable» (sung by Sia)
Aim: the learners will be able to write 5 sentences with comparison.
Techniques: matching, gap-filling


Song: «Santa Tell Me» (sung by Arana Grande)

Song: «Santa Tell Me» (sung by Arana Grande)
Aim: the learners will be able to write a letter to Santa.
Techniques: matching, gap-filling, gap-filling.


Song: «Big Eyes» (sung by Lana Del Ray)

Song: «Big Eyes» (sung by Lana Del Ray)
Aim: the learners will be able to tell the partner the story about your lie that was revealed.
Techniques: completing the lines, ordering, T/F statements.


Song: «Adventure of a Lifetime» (sung by Coldplay)

Song: «Adventure of a Lifetime» (sung by Coldplay)
Aim: the learners will be able to discuss with the partner his/her adventure of a lifetime.
Techniques: ordering, gap-filling.


понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

Lesson 10
Song: «Fairytale» (sung by Alexаnder Rybak)
Aim: the learners will be able to understand the context completing the lines, crossing out  the odd words.
Techniques: crossing out, gap-filling.
Lesson 9
Song: «Hurt» (sung by Christina Aguilera)
Aim: the learners will be able to understand the main idea of the song filling in the gaps and to match the beginnings and the endings of the phrases from the song.
Techniques: matching, gap-filling.